Source: IRENA statistics
*More information on specific geothermal power plants can be found HERE
Global Geothermal Alliance Members in Asia
- India
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Pakistan
- Philippines
Global Geothermal Alliance Partners in Asia
Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) – AIIB a multilateral development bank established in 2016 to improve social and economic outcomes by investing in Sustainable Infrastructure and other productive sectors including in energy in Asia and beyond. The bank has a worldwide membership.
Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA) – CREIA is the Renewable Energy Professional Division of the China Comprehensive Resource Utilization Association. It was established to promote the adoption of renewable energy advanced technologies and advance the commercialisation of the Chinese renewable energy. Its members include industry, academia, organizations and individual experts.
Regional geothermal Projects and Programmes in Asia
Geothermal Energy Development Program – GeoFund (2006 – 2009) – The project is the first phase of the Geothermal Energy Development Program (GeoFund) in the Europe and Central Asia Region. The Objective of GeoFund is to systematically promote the use of geothermal energy in Europe and Central Asia and included a Regional Technical Assistance implemented by the International Geothermal Association.
Regional Geothermal Resource/Market assessment in Asia

Assessment on Necessary Innovations for Sustainable Use of Conventional and New-Type Geothermal Resources and their Benefits in East Asia
This report by the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) examines technical, social, policy, legal, and fiscal barriers to geo-thermal power production, direct use, and Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) in China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
Amongst the five types of barriers, it was found that technical and policy barriers dominate the Indonesian geothermal sector, while fiscal barriers are prevalent in the Philippines. Social barriers remain a challenge in Japan regarding direct use and GSHP. Three areas are recommended for policy action: i) clarifying the state entities in providing critical incentives and concessions at three different stages of geothermal development; ii) development of tariff and tax holidays for geothermal power, direct use, and GSHP; iii) creation of awareness and R&D.

Sustainability Assessment of Utilising Conventional and New Type Geothermal Resources in East Asia
This study by the Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) analysis the application of technologies to accelerate the sustainable production and use of geothermal energy in China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
The study provides guidelines for sustainable development and utilization of geothermal resources as well as recommendations to policymakers for accelerated use of geothermal energy.

Study on geothermal resources of South Asia
The report provides an assessment of geothermal energy in the countries of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives.
The assessment discusses the geothermal resource base, potential for electricity generation as well as the potential for direct use. Geothermal resources situated at a depth of about 3,000m and with temperature above 60°C have been considered for exploitation in the report.