Tracking Progress: Explore Energy Transition Indicators and Progress to #3xRenewables by 2030


Source: IRENA Statistics
*More information on specific geothermal power plants can be found HERE.

Plans for geothermal power

Year Projected capacity(MWe)
2040 3,359

(Department of Energy, 2018)

Direct use

Application Installed capacity(MWt)

Bathing and swimming




Geothermal Institutions

National Geothermal Association of the Philippines - It is a non-profit NGO whose focus is on facilitating and promoting coordination of activities related to local and worldwide R&D and deployment of geothermal resources.

Geothermal Projects/Programs

National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) - NREP outlines the policy framework enshrined in Republic Act 9513. The NREP signals the country’s big leap from fragmented and halting RE initiatives into a focused and sustained drive towards energy security and improved access to clean energy. The current NREP planning period for 2017-2040 is under review. Regarding geothermal energy, new capacities of 1,453 MW, in addition to the existing capacity of 1,906 MW, are seen to be installed within the planning period bringing the total capacity to 3,359 MW by 2040.

Philippine Geothermal Resource Inventory and Assessment - It is a project study by the Department of Energy. It aims to determine the potential and viable geothermal sources in the different parts of the country, which could augment the increasing renewable energy supply of the country.s.

Philippines- New Zealand Geothermal Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding - GNS Science of New Zealand and Philippine geothermal company Energy Development Corporation (EDC) signed an MOU to work together on geothermal energy developments in 2012, which was later extended until 2020. New Zealand has been providing technical services to help the Philippines improve its development and use of geothermal energy.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

Republic Act (RA). No. 9513 (known as the Renewable Energy Act) is an act promoting the development, December 16, 2008 utilization and commercialization of Renewable Energy Resources and or other purposes. According to this Act, the right to explore and use geothermal resources can be obtained and exercised through a service agreement with the Department of Energy (DOE). Besides, there is Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1442, which is the specific law that promotes the exploration and development of geothermal energy.

*other applicable legislations can be found below under resources


Please find the Philippines Geothermal Country Profile here.