Tracking Progress: Explore Energy Transition Indicators and Progress to #3xRenewables by 2030


*More information on specific geothermal power plants can be found HERE.


Plans for geothermal power

Year Projected capacity(MWe)
2030 1,869
2037 2,647

(Government of Kenya, 2018)

Direct use

Application Installed capacity(MWt) Installed capacity (TJ/yr)


5.3 185

Agricultural drying

0.3 9.9

Fish farming

0.2 6.5

Bathing and swimming

8.7 275.5

Laundromat and milk processing

4.0 125.5


18.5 6.02

(Omenda, et al. 2019).

Geothermal Institutions

Geothermal Association of Kenya (GAK)  GAK is a professional, scientific and education organization that aims to promote activities related to R&D and deployment of geothermal energy in Kenya and globally.

Geothermal Development Company (GDC) – the special purpose state-owned geothermal developer tasked with capacity development as well as de-risking and management of geothermal resources in Kenya.

Geothermal Research and Training Institute  An institute of Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology (DeKUT) offering bachelor’s degree in Geology, Post Graduate Diploma in Geothermal Energy and Master’s Degree in Geothermal Energy Technology.

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) – the main power generating company responsible for exploration of geothermal resources and development of power plants.

Geothermal Projects/Programs

*The projects/programmes supported by other partners to promote geothermal development in East Africa, including in Kenya can be found HERE.

KenGen-Geothermal Training Centre - A Regional Flagship Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institute offering specialised skills that are market driven for industry, including geosciences, environmental sciences, geothermal technology, safety, management skills and drilling technology for local and international students.

GDC - Geothermal Center of Excellence – A GDC inhouse training facility aiming to upgrade the competency level of geothermists in the region by offering short course programs at certificate level, regional conferences and publication of a bi-annual scientific journal.

Direct Use Demonstration Project - Direct-Use pilot projects established by GDC at the Menengai Geothermal Project in Nakuru through a collaboration with United States Development Agency (USAID) with an aim of showcasing the Direct-Use technology to potential investors, local communities, learning institutions and other relevant organizations.

KenGen Guarantee Project - The USD 180 million project is supported the World Bank and utilises International Development Association (IDA) resources to improve the financial position of the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) to attract long-term private capital. to support investment in the renewable energy sector in Kenya.

African Development Fund Partial Risk Guarantee (ADF PRG) ADF PRG was launched in 2014 by the African Development Fund with 12.5 million dollars. The project intends to mitigate the risk to three IPPs and their financiers, in the Menengai geothermal field against the steam supply and power offtake obligations.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Energy Act 2019 repeals and consolidates the Energy Act (2006), the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board Order No. 131 of 2012 and the Geothermal Resources Act (1982). Geothermal resources are vested in the national government. Geothermal license is granted by the Cabinet Secretary for energy and royalties paid to the government for the exploitation of the resource. The Energy Act 2019 makes provisions for the royalties paid to the government to be shared between the national government, geothermal resource host County government and local community at 75%, 20% and 5% respectively.

Feed-in-tariffs policy – the feed-in tariff for renewable energies including geothermal was introduced in 2008 and revised in 2012.


Guide to Community Engagement for Power Projects in Kenya – A step-by-step guide developed by USAIDs Power Africa Programme describing how powers developer and communities can participate in meaningful, consistent, and empowering engagement leading to the achievement of mutually beneficial goals.